If you’re a lazy girl who doesn’t want to sweat like a pig while doing squats and lunges, and yet want toned legs, then let yoga come to your rescue. Yoga can give you sculpted legs that are perfect to flaunt in summer dresses.
If you haven’t been consistent with your workout or give up as soon as the difficulty level increases, then these yoga asanas are just perfect for you. The best part? These poses don’t require much core strength and are beginner-friendly. So let’s begin!
1. Bridge pose
Holding this pose just for a minute engages and helps tighten your hamstrings and glutes. Apart from this, the bridge pose will also stretch your spine and strengthen your back.
2. Chair pose
The chair pose targets the quadricep and gluteal muscles. Apart from that, it’s also very good for toning your overall body and improving good posture and balance. It’s a bit difficult to hold this asana for a long time, so start with just 20 seconds, increasing the hold as your body develops strength.
3. Crescent lunge
This lunge actively works on the front and back thighs. Along with toning your legs, it also tones the butt and stretches the chest, abdomen, and shoulders. Try holding the pose for a minute.
4. Butterfly pose
Butterfly pose is not only fun to do, but also targets the inner thigh muscles and soothes menstrual cramps. If you are flexible then this pose will be a cakewalk for you. If not, the butterfly pose will open up your body. Tip: the closer your legs are to your pelvis, the better the results.
5. Garland pose
Inspired from the traditional way we Indians sit on the toilet, this pose strengthens your thighs and legs. Doing this asana can also help to prevent knee joint pain. To begin with, hold this position as much your body allows you to.
6. Extended triangle pose
It stretches the thighs, knees, and ankles, particularly targeting the adductors of front and back of the legs. Apart from this, it also stretches your hamstrings, hips, calves, shoulders, and spines. Doing this pose can also help you release some of the stress you’re holding on to.
7. Downward facing pose
This pose stretches and tones the muscles of hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands. It also strengthens your arms and legs. This pose is overall very good for both your physical and mental health so don’t skip it!
Also, watch:
8. Warrior II pose
This pose improves your balance and strengthens legs, arms, and hips. It’s great to tone your legs as it stretches your hips and groins.
Now get going, girl! No one can stop you from getting those toned legs.
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