Eating garlic during Navratri may be a no-no, but try using garlic oil for skin and hair!
Abstaining from garlic is part of the rulebook during the Navratri season, but don’t give garlic oil a skip! It can really benefit your skin and scalp.
Garlic oil is a great way to incorporate it in your daily cooking! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
The Navratri season is here, and we all know there are certain foods we abstain from! Of course, garlic is one of them. We do know that the Indian palate is accustomed to its taste, and it’s so hard to keep yourself away from it. But, just a few more days, ladies! Now you can’t eat garlic, but you can certainly use it to enjoy other benefits? Any guesses? We are speaking about garlic oil here! It’s a wonderful oil, especially for your skin and scalp.
Did you know garlic oil could help you with hair fall? Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Here are some of benefits of garlic oil:
Tackles skin issues: If you are prone to skin issues all the time, garlic oil can come to your rescue. According to a study conducted by the Journal of Nutrition, garlic boasts anti-fungal properties that can treat the most severe infections. Use mildly warm garlic oil (not too hot) on the affected areas, once a day for a week. You will notice a huge difference
Fights acne: Acne can be such a big pain, but not when you have garlic oil to help you! It is packed with essential nutrients and contains selenium, allicin, vitamin C and B6, copper, and zinc. All these nutrients help in dealing with acne since they control inflammation. You can add a few drops to a homemade face pack, and see the results. So, the next time you are struggling with those pesky breakouts, give it a shot.
Garlic oil can even come handy while tackling acne. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Helps with hair fall: If you want long and strong tresses, it’s time to know the secret – garlic oil! That’s because it contains sulphur, vitamins E and C that improve scalp health and prevent breakage. What’s more, it strengthens the hair roots. So, just take a little bit of it and massage your scalp. Leave it on overnight and wash it with a good shampoo.
Cures dandruff: Dandruff is a common issue that is generally triggered by a bacterial infection or scalp inflammation. When you use garlic oil, it tackles both these issues with ease. So, the next time you plan to oil your hair, use this instead of the regular one!
Here’s how you can make garlic oil at home
Crush a few cloves of garlic, saute them in a saucepan along with a few drops of olive oil. Let it heat for a good 5-8 minutes. Next, remove the pan from the heat and put the mixture in an airtight jar.
So, ladies, are you going to use this during and beyond the Navratri season?
An independent writer and journalist, Geetika loves sharp and fresh humour, just like her coffee! If not writing, you'll find her cafe-hopping and raiding the best book stores in town.